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4 Benefits of Using Word Building Activities in the Classroom

One way to ensure that students are practicing the skill of reading and writing words with newly learned phonics skills is through the use of word building activities.

Word building activities have so many benefits to first and second grade students who are both learning context of words, identifying letter sounds, and blending sounds together to make new words.

4 reasons why word building activities work:

  1. Enhances phonemic awareness - Word building requires that students focus on the individual sounds in each word. Practicing this skill repeatedly will help them encode and decode words accurately.

  2. Improves spelling skills - Having students build words following a particular spelling pattern helps to reinforce the spelling pattern and helps with spelling retention.

  3. Expands vocabulary - Word building activities help introduce new words to students and encourage them to think of the meaning behind the new words they are exposed to.

  4. Encourages critical thinking and problem solving - Word building requires students to think about letter-sound relationships and requires students to decide the best letters to use to form specific words.

Digital word building activities

Now that you know the benefits of word building activities, you may be thinking.. "So how do I implement word building among all the other things I have to do?"

One of the easiest ways to add this in to your day is by making word building a center or independent practice activity.

However, to avoid student frustration and confusion, digital word building activities can help increase their independence and can provide them with instant feedback.

I use THESE word building digital activities with my students. Not only can they be assigned on Google Classroom, there is a self-checking option that is easy for students to access.

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